Target: One creature
Attack: Power vs Reflex
Hit: Ability +
This page provides some nice templates for formatting, so we can just copy/paste and be done with it.
You can put dice or symbols inline with a simple tag (New: You can now use custom tags for dice):
<!-- Positive Dice -->
<i class="proficiency"></i> <i class="ability"></i> <i class="boost"></i>
<!-- Positive Dice (Custom tags) -->
<proficiency></proficiency> <ability></ability> <boost></boost>
<!-- Negative Dice -->
<i class="challenge"></i> <i class="difficulty"></i> <i class="setback"></i>
<!-- Negative Dice (Custom tags) -->
<challenge></challenge> <difficulty></difficulty> <setback></setback>
<!-- Symbols -->
<i class="success"></i> <i class="failure"></i> <i class="advantage"></i> <i class="threat"></i> <i class="triumph"></i> <i class="despair"></i>
<!-- Symbols (Custom tags) -->
<success></success> <failure></failure> <advantage></advantage> <threat></threat> <triumph></triumph> <despair></despair>
Positive dice:
Negative dice:
This is a basic template for a power:
<div class="power at-will">
<span class="title">Basic Power Template</span>
<span class="type">At-Will Attack 1</span>
<div class="flavor">Some flavor goes here. Huzzah!</div>
<span class="action">Action Type</span>
<span class="keywords">Keyword 1, Keyword 2</span>
<span class="range">Range Text Here</span>
<div class="section">
<span class="title">Target:</span>
<span class="content">One creature</span>
<div class="section">
<span class="title">Attack:</span>
<span class="content">Power vs Reflex</span>
<div class="section">
<span class="title">Hit:</span>
<span class="content">
Ability + <success></success> damage.
<div class="section">
<header><i class="fa fa-bolt"></i> Upgrade <i class="fa fa-square pull-right"></i></header>
<div class="content">
<div class="section">
<span class="title">Hit:</span>
<div class="content">This is additional stuff that will happen on a hit when this is upgraded.</div>
<div class="section">
<header><i class="fa fa-bolt"></i> Upgrade <i class="fa fa-square pull-right"></i></header>
<div class="content">
<div class="section">
<span class="title">Effect:</span>
<div class="content">An effect that happens if this upgrade is accepted.</div>
If you need an encounter, or a daily, simply change the css class from "power at-will"
to "power encounter"
or "power daily"
Target: One creature
Attack: Power vs Reflex
Hit: Ability +
You can also put the powers in a list that reflows to fit the width of the page, by putting it in a div:
<div class="power-list">
Target: One creature
Attack: Melee vs Reflex
Hit: Melee weapon damage, and the target is dazed, save ends. This is more text that I am putting here, so that I can watch this thing wrap. I think I’ll be fine with it, but I’m not really sure. Are you?
Target: One creature
Attack: Melee vs Reflex
Hit: Melee weapon damage, and the target is dazed, save ends. This is more text that I am putting here, so that I can watch this thing wrap. I think I’ll be fine with it, but I’m not really sure. Are you?
Target: One creature
Attack: Melee vs Reflex
Hit: Melee weapon damage, and the target is dazed, save ends. This is more text that I am putting here, so that I can watch this thing wrap. I think I’ll be fine with it, but I’m not really sure. Are you?
You can also have a powers list that sorts into columns by providing a max height:
<div class="power-list column" style="height: 500px">
Target: One creature
Attack: Melee vs Reflex
Hit: Melee weapon damage, and the target is dazed, save ends. This is more text that I am putting here, so that I can watch this thing wrap. I think I’ll be fine with it, but I’m not really sure. Are you?
Target: One creature
Attack: Melee vs Reflex
Hit: Melee weapon damage, and the target is dazed, save ends. This is more text that I am putting here, so that I can watch this thing wrap. I think I’ll be fine with it, but I’m not really sure. Are you?
Target: One creature
Attack: Melee vs Reflex
Hit: Melee weapon damage, and the target is dazed, save ends. This is more text that I am putting here, so that I can watch this thing wrap. I think I’ll be fine with it, but I’m not really sure. Are you?